
Best way to organise photos
Best way to organise photos

best way to organise photos


(Images over 16MP are compressed to size, and videos are capped at 1080p resolution). You can pay if you want your photos stored with the original resolution but you’ll probably find the standard high quality free version is fine.

best way to organise photos

These are the main reasons why we consider Google Photos the best cloud storage service going around: There are a number of services available where you can store your photos in the cloud but Google Photos is particularly popular. Running out of storage on your phone is a thing of the past! Once your photos or videos have been uploaded, you can free up space on your phone.Sharing albums, photos, or videos with others is simple.You can access your photos or videos from any device (phone, tablet, computer) as long as you have internet access.It’s quick and easy - you can set up backups to occur automatically when you’re connected to wifi.While extra backups can still be a good idea, especially for important files, storing your photos and videos in the cloud does have many advantages, such as: From there, you might have backed up your computer on an external hard drive. In the past, you might have plugged your phone or camera into your computer and laboriously transferred all your photos and videos. Google Photos stores your photos and videos in “the cloud” - this is just tech-talk for online storage. It was released in 2015 and is now hugely popular worldwide. Google Photos is a photo sharing and storage service developed by Google.

Best way to organise photos